
Monday, December 5, 2011

IF you wish to donate, our Paypal account is    Thank you!


  1. I tried to donate and I got this

    "This recipient is currently unable to receive money."

  2. Ok, Thank you for letting me know. I will look into it and try to get it fixed as soon as possible. I appreciate you trying to help us!!! You are very kind! Until I get the new paypal account set up correctly, if anyone would like to donate please use snail mail and send any donations, prayers, etc. to Po Box 2 Cary, IL 60013. Thank you! May God Bless You, as He has Our Family! Love Always, Kelly Whistler

  3. The Paypal account is now verified and set up!!! Thank you for anyone who donates to our family. Please know it is not an expectation, we simply want to share our love for God and our family's special connection to Him. We have been asked several times to have a donation account, so I have set up the Paypal account for that reason. Thank you again, for all your support in any way you are able to give us the support! Love Always, Kelly
