
Saturday, April 21, 2012

3 years ago today...The preparations for a birth and a funeral were made.  The OR was waiting and we didn't know how long you would be with us.  The pastor met us in the Special Nursery of the Level 2 hospital...the only place agreeing to deliver you with intentions to treat your needs.  Daddy and I didn't take joy in your birth at first because we were scared.  You weren't breathing.  The nurse brought you to my face to say hello.  I didn't realize you weren't breathing, until Daddy gently told me they needed to take you away to help you.  I gasped and yelled please go...give her  oxygen!  It was a fight you had heard while you were in the womb, but we had come to an agreement with the generous neonatologist whom we convinced to believe in you.  The nurses rushed you off and Daddy followed close behind.  You took that first breath and cried.  A precious sound that some with your condition do not make.  We laughed with joy.  We got to hear the meow of your voice!  God is good! Next came the wonder of your physical characteristics.  Would you really look like the monster they talked you up to be?  One swift look of your long eyelashes, Daddy's nose, and Mommy's lips, and we knew there was no way you could live up to the ugly impression you were suppose to be.  We craddled you and showered love upon you. We watched your chest rise and fall in awe and horror, not knowing if it would continue the pattern.  As I sang to you, I was told your ears were too low to functionally hear me.  Yet you gripped my finger as if to say "sing me another song, Momma!"  The pastor baptized you in the special nursery as if to reiterate, we already spiritually committed your soul to God.  Little did we know just how close to God you are.  In the days that followed, we treasured every breathe you took.  I pumped God's milk to nourish you and give you every bit of life I could.  It was the least I could do!  You continued to grow stronger and even showed your temper if I left your side.  Mommy and Daddy continued to fight for your medical rights, as you waited patiently, and forgave those who wronged you.  Through you, I have learned forgiveness, patience, spirituality, unconditionally love, pure joy, Peace, Belief, Hope, Grace, Trust in the Lord, and are every thing I aspire to be.  Thank you God, for the 3 years, 10 months with Kayli.  Sweet Pea, you are my inspiration.  You and your 3 brothers make me proud to be every bit of the Mother you have trained me and allowed me to be! I love you Daughter!  Happy 3rd Birthday!!! <3 


  1. happy birthday Kayli! Keep fighting the odds little one!

  2. You are an inspiration to any and all!!
    Thank you for sharing your story..
    My God continue to bless you and remain with you always!

  3. OUR GOD IS AND AWESOME GOD. I am so touched by the strength of this beautiful baby girl. GOD has you here Kayli for a reason, to teach us all something about faith, prayer, strength and so many other lessons we have yet to understand. I want to thank you for being the one who has taught that to me. Your a Blessing to my life. Your Mommy and Daddy and 3 Big Brothers are so Blessed to have you. Happy Birthday Kayli. You are a true blessing to anyone who see's the video of your little life fighting to stay here. I could not stop looking at your eyes. your so beautiful.we know all those MEDICAL doctors worked hard for your life,,, BUT WE KNOW WHO THE REAL SURGEON IS.... JESUS!and I may never get to know or meet you here on earth but one day when we are all together in heaven Im going to look for you. :0), But until then may god keep nourshing your little body, stay strong. STAY beautiful. GOD BLESS.. ~Maggie~

