An excerpt from the blog:
When we arrived at GKTW, we learned of a special guest for the evening, Kayli – a Wish child with the genetic condition Trisomy. Kayli had always dreamed of BEING in a parade, and sharing the experience with others in the Trisomy community to raise awareness for the condition. Kayli’s wish came true when GKTW made her the star of the Winter Wonderland Celebration, and she was joined by 13 other families who also had a child diagnosed with Trisomy. These families and special children traveled from all over the country to celebrate with Kayli. It was now our job to make sure this parade was a success.
We marched up the Avenue, danced, and frolicked in the plaza as if we were festooned with jingle bells. We posed in our costumes for photos with families and children we had worked (and played) with over the course of the week. Then it was time to say good-bye. By all accounts our week in the Village was a success, and Kayli’s wish had come true. Congratulations to GKTW for the work they do in making wishes come true for over 115,000 children with life-threatening illnesses, and to the special volunteer “Angels” who open their hearts to serve in the Village. GKTW now joins only a handful of organizations in the world who have reached 2 million volunteer hours in a single location.
For the full story, please visit
Saturday, April 21, 2012
3 years ago today...The preparations for a birth and a funeral were made. The OR was waiting and we didn't know how long you would be with us. The pastor met us in the Special Nursery of the Level 2 hospital...the only place agreeing to deliver you with intentions to treat your needs. Daddy and I didn't take joy in your birth at first because we were scared. You weren't breathing. The nurse brought you to my face to say hello. I didn't realize you weren't breathing, until Daddy gently told me they needed to take you away to help you. I gasped and yelled please go...give her oxygen! It was a fight you had heard while you were in the womb, but we had come to an agreement with the generous neonatologist whom we convinced to believe in you. The nurses rushed you off and Daddy followed close behind. You took that first breath and cried. A precious sound that some with your condition do not make. We laughed with joy. We got to hear the meow of your voice! God is good! Next came the wonder of your physical characteristics. Would you really look like the monster they talked you up to be? One swift look of your long eyelashes, Daddy's nose, and Mommy's lips, and we knew there was no way you could live up to the ugly impression you were suppose to be. We craddled you and showered love upon you. We watched your chest rise and fall in awe and horror, not knowing if it would continue the pattern. As I sang to you, I was told your ears were too low to functionally hear me. Yet you gripped my finger as if to say "sing me another song, Momma!" The pastor baptized you in the special nursery as if to reiterate, we already spiritually committed your soul to God. Little did we know just how close to God you are. In the days that followed, we treasured every breathe you took. I pumped God's milk to nourish you and give you every bit of life I could. It was the least I could do! You continued to grow stronger and even showed your temper if I left your side. Mommy and Daddy continued to fight for your medical rights, as you waited patiently, and forgave those who wronged you. Through you, I have learned forgiveness, patience, spirituality, unconditionally love, pure joy, Peace, Belief, Hope, Grace, Trust in the Lord, and are every thing I aspire to be. Thank you God, for the 3 years, 10 months with Kayli. Sweet Pea, you are my inspiration. You and your 3 brothers make me proud to be every bit of the Mother you have trained me and allowed me to be! I love you Daughter! Happy 3rd Birthday!!! <3
Monday, April 2, 2012
Parade during the Trisomy Celebrations!
Here is the link to the video of the Parade at Give Kids the World! :D