
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kayli's birthday cards and gifts

We have asked for everyone to send her a card (homemade is preferable), and plan on posting Kayil with each card given to her, on her birthday.  Be sure to check back on her Birthday, Sunday April 21st (next Sunday) to see the beautiful cards sent to Kayli for her 4th Birthday!!  Kayli has been very Blessed with your gracious responses!  You have shown her how to Love Graciously and Give Graciously!!! Thank you!!!  

For those wanting to send Kayli a birthday gift, the following is a list of wants.  Please know that Kayli does not NEED anything, so this is in no way a desperate plea for help!  

 The following handmade items are appreciated: 

travel size pillow cases 
hospital gowns with fun fabric
friendship bracelet
drool rags (cotton diaper sized)
hand drawn photo of Kayli with Jesus

Other items Kayli would like/could use:

1. Girl's twin size fitted sheets (for her new hospital bed)
2. $4.50 a pair AFO socks, size 5-61/2 in white, purple, and pink
3. Dresses size 3t or 4 (no high necks)
6.Non-toxic  finger paints (found at a local department or craft store)
10. $39 orchestra and lights, touch sensitive cube
12. $15 travel size memory foam pillows 
13. $12 reusable swim diaper (found at department stores)
14. Itunes gift card 
15. $5 Sunglasses
16. outdoor photography session/shoot

All birthday cards and/or presents can be sent to:
Kayli Whistler
Po Box 2
Cary, IL 60013

Thank you for thinking of our Miracle girl, on her 4th Birthday!!! <3 


  1. Heya¡­my very first comment on your site. ,I have been reading your blog for a while and thought I would completely pop in and drop a friendly note. . It is great

    stuff indeed. I also wanted to there a way to subscribe to your site via email?

    Online Birthday Gifts

  2. We Love pop in's and friendly Hi's!
    Yes,you most definitely can subscribe and follow via email! If you look to the right of your screen, under the pictures of all the members, you will "Subscribe to" with a "posts" box and a "comments" box. To the right of that, you will see "Follow by Email" and under that is a box to enter your email address. :D

    Did you know about Trisomy 18 (or Trisomy in general) before finding Kayli?! I love to hear other's stories in life and how we are all interconnected. :D

    Thank you for following and supporting Kayli's Journey with us!
    <3 Kelly Whistler (Kayli's Mom)
